

I’ve been listening to podcasts since 2005. For me, talk radio is a far more interesting use of my idle listening time than music.1 Naturally, on demand access to people speaking about my hobbies felt like a perfect fit for my personality. In those early days, I listened to a ton of the PC Gamer Podcast, GFW Radio, and This Week in Tech.
These days, my list of podcasts has grown rather dramatically.

Having listened to so many shows over the years, I’ve always been interested in hosting my own, or being invited to speak on an existing program. I finally got an opportunity at the beginning of this summer.

Edge Cases is a weekly, generally Apple focused, software development podcast hosted by Wolf Rentzsch and Andrew Pontious. Wolf was out for about a month in May, so Andrew asked if I would be interested in speaking about a topic for an episode. Having just finished a few rounds of job interviewing, I elected to discuss the technical interview process for mobile developers. Particularly focusing on my surprise at what I determined was a broken interview process, and how we as a tech industry can improve.

You can listen to the show here. Enjoy!

1. My dad is the same way. I wonder sometimes if this is hereditary. ↩︎

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